Spread your wingz, fly further, get hold of your dreams!

今すぐ飛び立つ! ココロの羽を広げて また見ぬ 未来へ

Monday, 2 March 2009

The 50th entry since I signed up for blogspot!! Woohoo!! Should I be happy about this? Well, who cares anyway xD. OK, to celebrate this 50th post, I'll just post this kois that I got from somewhere.

And I name them 'Koi of Tranquility' (though I'm not the one who made them. I'm sure many of you have seen this before).

That's for now. The second day of March, my lucky month, but I don't feel lucky this year. 3 weeks to trials, and I'm still here loittering around. Bah, just for now. Need to gear up later, so see ya

Happy 50th Blog Entry!!!!

[Edit: Due to some editing, this post isn't the 50th post anymore. Well, it WAS once the 50th post.]


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