Windows 7 has been launched here for a few months now, since October 2009. The launching of Windows 7 ends the regime of Windows Vista, which lasted only 3 years, way shorter than Windows XP which served for 8 years. Some doubted the quality and performance of Windows 7 as they fear it will just be the repitition of Windows Vista.
Luckily, Windows 7 turned out to be better than Windows Vista. There are few versions of Windows 7 released, Starter, Home Basic(not released within this region), Home Premium, Professional(business Windows) and Ultimate. You can say that Windows 7 is the 'Vista version' of Windows XP, as it is simpler and more user friendly compared to Windows Vista, thus Your PC, simplified. It uses less in RAM, normally 40% when you have 6 windows open. The processor normally remains less than 5% if you are just idling and doesn't fly to more than 60% when you switch on a programme like Photoshop.
Windows 7 removed some features in Windows Vista and added some features not found in Windows Vista. You can have a look over here and here! A mascot for Windows 7, Nanami Madobe, is created prior to the launching of Windows 7 in Japan, voiced by 水樹奈々! Why 水樹奈々? Simply because 奈々 sounds like 7(七) in Japanese. Why 'Madobe' then? In Japanese, windows is translated into 'mado'. Thus, Nanami Madobe literally means Windows 7, with the additional 'mi' to sound girly and 'be' to sound like a first name.
Here are some features of Windows 7:
Point your mouse cursor at the small rectangular box at the end of the taskbar, you will get to the desktop. Windows key + D does the same.
If you don't want to go to click on desktop but you wanted to look at what is on your desktop, just hold Windows key and spacebar.
Hold ALT + TAB key will allow you to switch between windows. With AeroPeek, a nicer windows switching can be done with Windows key + TAB(also in Windows Vista). And of course, you will need to enable AeroPeek in order to do this.
Some other combinations also can be done(some are included in Windows Vista) -
Windows key + U brings out Ease of Centre.
Windows key + P brings out external display options.
Windows key + F turns on Search window.
Windows key + X brings out Windows Mobility Centre(may differ between units).
Windows key + R turns on Run window.
Windows key + G selects gadgets on your desktop.
Windows key + L logs off user.
Windows key + E brings out Computer.
Winodws key + + zooms in where your courser is while Whidows key + - zooms out.
Windows key + upward arrow maximizes a window while Windows key + downward arrow minimises a window.
Windows key + left arrow snaps the window to the left while Windows key + right snaps the window to the right.
AeroPeek is automatically enabled when you have a GPU. Aeropeek is normally disabled if you are having an onboard graphic VGA(lower Intel Graphic Accelerator XXX)[red rectangular box]. Some may find the grouping in in the taskbar annoying. Changes can be made by selecting the option where the red circle indicates.
Well, I'll say Windows 7 FTW!! If you want to use Windows in a 64-bit platform, be sure that your processor can support 64-bit operations. 64-bit can fully utilize your RAM of more than 4GB, not like 32-bit platform, which can only supports up to 4GB of RAM, but only 3GB usable. Wanted to change to Windows 7? No problem, if and only if you bought your lappy or desktops in the period of July till December with Windows Vista preinstalled, write to your manufacturer and they will issue a copy of Windows 7 to you(Home Premium and above only). Be sure to do a clean install if you are upgrading from Windows XP or lower. You can just upgrade directly if you are using Windows Vista. Get more info in Microsoft's official page.
I'm stopping here, have to finish my reports...
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